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General Guidelines for Writing Groups

It is our role to promote and to encourage collaboration during all phases of the manuscript process so that all investigators, particularly those new to CHS, have the opportunity to participate and be recognized in study-wide CHS papers.

All materials submitted to the P&P Committee must first be reviewed and approved by all co-authors, with the status of coauthor approval indicated to the Committee at time of submission. If full Writing Group review and approval is not obtained, the Writing Chair must inform the P&P.

Authorship Requirements

As defined by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), "each author on a submitted manuscript should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. The Writing Chair is responsible for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article." CHS Writing Groups are expected to follow this example.

Order of Authors

The listing and order of authors should be based on contribution to the manuscript. The convention for centrally analyzed papers in CHS is for the Coordinating Center Analyst to be listed as second author, unless there are important reasons to do otherwise.



Related Links

Responsibilities of Writing Group Members
Nomination of Writing Group Members
Withdrawal Policy and Modifying Writing Groups