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Association of mitochondrial DNA copy number with cardiometabolic diseases.

TitleAssociation of mitochondrial DNA copy number with cardiometabolic diseases.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLiu, X, Longchamps, RJ, Wiggins, KL, Raffield, LM, Bielak, LF, Zhao, W, Pitsillides, A, Blackwell, TW, Yao, J, Guo, X, Kurniansyah, N, Thyagarajan, B, Pankratz, N, Rich, SS, Taylor, KD, Peyser, PA, Heckbert, SR, Seshadri, S, Cupples, AL, Boerwinkle, E, Grove, ML, Larson, NB, Smith, JA, Vasan, RS, Sofer, T, Fitzpatrick, AL, Fornage, M, Ding, J, Correa, A, Abecasis, G, Psaty, BM, Wilson, JG, Levy, D, Rotter, JI, Bis, JC, Satizabal, CL, Arking, DE, Liu, C
Corporate/Institutional AuthorsTOPMed mtDNA Working Group in NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium
JournalCell Genom
Date Published2021 Oct 13
Abstract<p>Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is present in multiple copies in human cells. We evaluated cross-sectional associations of whole blood mtDNA copy number (CN) with several cardiometabolic disease traits in 408,361 participants of multiple ancestries in TOPMed and UK Biobank. Age showed a threshold association with mtDNA CN: among younger participants (<65 years of age), each additional 10 years of age was associated with 0.03 standard deviation (s.d.) higher level of mtDNA CN ( = 0.0014) versus a 0.14 s.d. lower level of mtDNA CN ( = 1.82 × 10) among older participants (≥65 years). At lower mtDNA CN levels, we found age-independent associations with increased odds of obesity ( = 5.6 × 10), hypertension ( = 2.8 × 10), diabetes ( = 3.6 × 10), and hyperlipidemia ( = 6.3 × 10). The observed decline in mtDNA CN after 65 years of age may be a key to understanding age-related diseases.</p>
Alternate JournalCell Genom
PubMed ID35036986
PubMed Central IDPMC8758111
Grant ListR01 AG059727 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 HL105756 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
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